Trapping USA

Hog Removal Services

in Texas and Oklahoma

Hog Removal Services

in Texas and Oklahoma

facts about hogs:

Hog Removal

for Residential and Commercial Properties

Feral hogs are known for their aggressive nature and pose a huge threat to famers and their lands. Doing over $1.5 billion in damage to agricultural and environmental sites each year, feral hogs are destructive and dangerous animals


Feral hog control is a growing problem in urban and rural settings and Trapping USA offers hog control programs in Texas and Oklahoma. Feral hogs spread numerous diseases to humans and animals and pose a major threat to livestock and other farm animals.


Feral hog removal and feral hog control is a labor-intensive process that requires specific knowledge and experience of animal behavior. If you need feral hog removal, Trapping USA can provide these services to protect you and your property.


The hog control specialists at Trapping USA can come to your property, assess the feral hog issue, and take the necessary steps to put you in control of your property once again.

Things to keep in mind
while dealing with a Hog


Hogs are dangerous; hogs not only pose a threat to your livestock and animals, but carry multiple diseases that can infect both animals and humans.


Hogs breed quickly; breeding as young as just a few months old, hog populations quickly grow in size.


Hogs need to be handled by experts; they react with aggression to perceived threats and are extremely adaptable animals.

Contact The Experts

If you suspect an animal has entered your home.

Contact Trapping USA for expert animal control services.

You can reach us today by calling 469-481-6552 (Dallas) or 832-693-1833 (Houston)!


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Dallas AREAS



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