Trapping USA


Duck Removal Service In Dallas & Houston


Muscovy Duck Removal Service In Dallas & Houston

Facts About Ducks:

Muscovy duck Trapping Services

Seeing muscovy ducks while living in urban areas is most often a source of pleasure. As a humane animal removal company, Trapping USA understands the joy that seeing forms of wildlife can bring. With that being said, many duck populations can grow to a size that creates issues.

While ducks are predominantly aquatic, they are becoming quite the nuisance in Texas. Muscovy ducks are the most common ones in Dallas and Fort Worth, especially in apartment complexes. They are known for their aggressive attitude, acidic and damaging feces, and their nests. The only way to remove ducks from your property (and keep them from coming back) is through effective duck removal services.

Trapping USA offers humane trapping and removal services for Muscovy ducks. We will not only remove them from the property, but we can ensure they don’t return in the future.

Duck Removal in DFW and Houston

Texas has a long history of duck-hunting. While duck populations have long been a regular feature of rural areas, however, residents of urbanized areas are now encountering ducks at higher frequencies than ever before. Numerous species of duck have been undergoing a population explosion in recent years, and several of those species have grown in number so rapidly that they are now considered invasive in some regions.


The Muscovy duck is probably the species of duck most often see by residents of the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex. This species is highly recognizable due to the adult male’s iridescent green head plumage, as well as the white-bordered black speculum feathers on the wings of both sexes. Muscovy duck are often tolerated and even appreciated when living in urban areas, due to their appearance and their generally docile nature. Unlike most other types of waterfowl, Muscovy duck will very rarely display aggression towards nearby humans.


Also in contrast to most other types of waterfowl, the Muscovy duck has not only been able to adapt to human expansion, it has even been able to benefit from it. This has created issues in regions where Muscovy duck multiply. With their high reproductive rate, and the relative rarity of natural predators in urban landscapes, Muscovy duck will quickly push other local forms of wildlife out of the search for food; they will eat it all themselves, leaving nothing for anyone else. This can have drastic and irreparable effects on local ecosystems as the delicate balance built on the food chain gets thrown into disarray.

Professionals Duck Removal Services

Professional duck control services can remove these aggressive and damaging birds without disrupting the integrity of the species. Whether they are in an apartment complex, becoming a nuisance in a public park, or nesting in your backyard, Trapping USA offers a humane, safe removal service for your property. Our service includes:

Duck Removal in DFW and Houston

Texas has a long history of duck-hunting. While duck populations have long been a regular feature of rural areas, however, residents of urbanized areas are now encountering ducks at higher frequencies than ever before. Numerous species of duck have been undergoing a population explosion in recent years, and several of those species have grown in number so rapidly that they are now considered invasive in some regions.

The Muscovy duck is probably the species of duck most often see by residents of the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex. This species is highly recognizable due to the adult male’s iridescent green head plumage, as well as the white-bordered black speculum feathers on the wings of both sexes. Muscovy duck are often tolerated and even appreciated when living in urban areas, due to their appearance and their generally docile nature. Unlike most other types of waterfowl, Muscovy duck will very rarely display aggression towards nearby humans.

Also in contrast to most other types of waterfowl, the Muscovy duck has not only been able to adapt to human expansion, it has even been able to benefit from it. This has created issues in regions where Muscovy duck multiply. With their high reproductive rate, and the relative rarity of natural predators in urban landscapes, Muscovy duck will quickly push other local forms of wildlife out of the search for food; they will eat it all themselves, leaving nothing for anyone else. This can have drastic and irreparable effects on local ecosystems as the delicate balance built on the food chain gets thrown into disarray.

Things to keep in mind
when dealing with a Duck infestation

Identifying a Duck Problem

The team at Trapping USA will ensure that duck are removed from your property and they never return. We will pinpoint their entry points, seal those off, and then humanely remove the duck from your property. 

We implement a four-phase strategy that includes:


Green- or white-hued feces on porches, railings, and other exposed structures outside


Quacking noises in the general vicinity, especially if they had not been present before


Be especially alert to ducks with red, knobby faces, as these are Muscovy ducks, which are generally silent and represent the greatest pest potential out of duck populations in DFW

Duck Removal Services

Need help with a duck in DFW or Houston?

Call the bird removal experts at Trapping USA for safe and immediate duck trapping and removal from your property. 



Our team is ready to trap and remove Muscovy, Waterfowl, Feral and other hybrid duck species from your home or business!



If you suspect you have a bird problem and you are in need of help removing birds, contact Trapping USA by calling (469) 481-6552 in North Texas, (832) 474-7755 in Houston or contact us online to inquire about our wildlife and animal removal services.

Contact The Experts

If you suspect an animal has entered your home.

Contact Trapping USA for expert animal control services.

You can reach us today by calling 469-481-6552 (Dallas) or 832-693-1833 (Houston)!


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